Why we Sponsor eTail Connect


We spoke to Coveo to see why they sponsor eTail Connect Autumn. Coveo personalizes every digital experience for customers, partners, dealers, and employees. Coveo combines unified search, analytics and machine learning to deliver relevant information and recommendations across every business interaction, making websites, ecommerce, contact centers and intranets effortless and efficient.

Who: Coveo

Where: eTail Connect Autumn  

When: September 2022  

Benefits: Outstanding method to make your brand completely identifiable and overtake competitors by showcasing products.


There are few events that we attend, but eTail Connect is always one that we do. The main reason we choose to sponsor is for the one-to-one meetings, as we get that more intimate and focused conversation time.

The quality of delegates on site has been great, we have met a good mix of people. Just hearing from different people in e-commerce, but from different sectors and different industries, especially. Hearing what's important to different people is all useful. Sponsoring has really given us the opportunity make personal connections.


Overall, we have had around 10 1-1 meetings, and we expect a good follow up after the event from at least half of these. We have definitely got 2 or 3 very promising opportunities for new business.

The organisation of the event has been amazing, every single 1-1 meeting happened on time as it was supposed to. We have found with other events that attendees may be late or not show up, but here everything ran very smoothly.

We’ve had some great conversations with people who have got very relevant initiatives that we know we can help with, so this should create some new business for us in 2023 for sure. We will definitely return as a sponsor to eTail, we are already discussing our attendance to eTail Germany in the coming month.


If you’d like to join as a sponsor at eTail Connect Autumn, then get in touch and find out more about how you can get involved.